Berlin‘s finest in clarinet entertainment since 2000

Reunion concert of The International Nothing (…and something)

photo (is a still from a video recording) by dieb13

The last concert of the very fine quartet was held in December 2011 (a day before the album recordings) in Berlin. For many years we tried to convince organizers world wide that this isn’t rubbish. We failed completely.

Now seven year later we set up a home town show and very delayed record release concert ourselves. After two days in jail in Michael’s old rehearsal cell we pulled off quite a beautiful concert and thought what a shame that this doesn’t happen more often. The seven composition from The Power Of Negative Thinking aged well. In case this was the last concert of this extended version of The Nothin’ it ended on a high note.

We also invited our brothers in crime Streifenjunko from Oslo to open the night with their new program … like driving.

dieb13 catched the event on camera and interviewed our rhythm section for the forthcoming documentary movie In Trout We Dust.

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