10 Years Of Everything Less – Tour part I
To celebrate our 10th anniversary and the release of our 2nd album we embarked a little tour in June 2010 leading us to Italy, France and Switzerland. Twice we met up with the accordeon trio of Jonas Kocher, Luca Venitucci and Afredo Costa Monteiro called 300 basses at Cave12 (Geneve) and Il Cantiere (Rome) to share the evening – great new trio and a very interesting package. At Instant Chavires (Paris-Montreuil) we shared the bill with the two locals Jean-Luc Guionnet and Seijiro Murayama. Quiet special was the amazing sight of the venue we played in at the Musiques Innovatrices Festival (Saint Etienne). The Festival took place in the buildings of an old mine (see below). There we also had our biggest audience on this tour, but we guess it was more the fault of Faust and Keiji Heino, who played after us that around 200 people showed up.
One this tour we premiered a new composition entitled Beat ‘Em All.
Thanks a lot to Sixto & Marion, JP, Luca and Bruno & his crew for setting up those very nice shows.
Our venue in Saint Etienne
Nothing lost in Saint Etienne