Berlin‘s finest in clarinet entertainment since 2000


In Doubt We Trust record release concert in Berlin

Slightly delayed we went for our traditional record release concert at our 2nd home (and recording place of our albums) ausland. As the tradition goes Bockwurst and fine Whiskys have been served and DJ Ekkehard Ehlers made the crowd swing their legs after some delicate listening pleasures.

As you have seen Thieke and Fagischefsky here more then enough below on the photo displayed are Sabine Ercklentz (trumpet) and Tisha Mukarji (piano), who opened the night with a beautiful and subtle duo set.

Photo by Thieke

Reunion concert of The International Nothing (…and something)

photo (is a still from a video recording) by dieb13

The last concert of the very fine quartet was held in December 2011 (a day before the album recordings) in Berlin. For many years we tried to convince organizers world wide that this isn’t rubbish. We failed completely.

Now seven year later we set up a home town show and very delayed record release concert ourselves. After two days in jail in Michael’s old rehearsal cell we pulled off quite a beautiful concert and thought what a shame that this doesn’t happen more often. The seven composition from The Power Of Negative Thinking aged well. In case this was the last concert of this extended version of The Nothin’ it ended on a high note.

We also invited our brothers in crime Streifenjunko from Oslo to open the night with their new program … like driving.

dieb13 catched the event on camera and interviewed our rhythm section for the forthcoming documentary movie In Trout We Dust.

Doubtful informations have been finally carved in vinyl.

We cheerfully announce that finally the vinyl version of our new album In Doubt We Trust is available. Due to the special challenges that our music presents to the needle-read format we had to make a little detour, but the final record is a sonic and optical item of pleasure thanks to Mr. Krieger’s (SST, Frankfurt) vinyl cut and tanabemse’s much praised artwork.

Please now purchase the record on our Bandcamp site.

Soon the LP should be also available at the Ftarri Store (Tokyo) and we might ask some of the few regular distributors if they want to sell some copies as well.

Surveillance cameras of the German secret service caught the delivery of the records. The guy with the pony tail is the anonymous delivery guy. The guy in blue suede short is the right channel clarinet player of The Nothin’.

In Doubt We Trust will be out on February 18th, 2018

Dear believers in nothing, our fourth, respectively fifth (however you count them) album In Doubt We Trust will be out on February 18th. Well, the CD version will be out. The LP will follow with some delay.

Check here:

Will be soon available at: Japan Improv (Japan) | Erstdist (US) | Metamkine (Europe)

recording, titling, filming, premiering, releasing, touring

[film still by dieb13 during recording set up at ausland]

Shitloads of news from The Nothin’. Let’s try to sort this out here.

– During three lip-bleeding days – August 22nd to 24th, 2017 – we recorded our new 40 min composition at out homebase ausland, Berlin.

– As it seems at the current moment that the new piece (and so also the new album) will be named In Doubt We Trust … if we don’t change our mind again.

– Dieter Kovačič aka dieb13 started filming some kind of movie with/on/about The International Nothing. He joined us during the album recordings and will also join us on our tour in February 2018 portraying as well some of the clubs being so instrumental for this kind of music.

– The world premiere performance of In Doubt We Trust will be held at a Labor Sonor Spezial at KuLe, Berlin on October 30th, 2017.

– The new album will be released on CD and LP by Ftarri Records (CD) resp. ourselves (LP) by end of 2017/beginning of 2018. Tanabemse is currently working on the album’s artwork, while we are working on the album mix.

– We’ll try to tour with the new piece and album as much as possible. First concerts are set for mid of February 2018 in France and Switzerland. Hopefully many concerts to follow. Send us a note if you would like to have us!

Nothing has changed

After two years of withdrawn work we finished our new piece. For the first time we went in for the long run – a ca. 40 minutes long composition, which will be filling our next album and our future concerts. Well, there are a few month of intense work ahead of us to practice the piece and twist on those very details before we record it this summer.
During the process of melting our two clarinets into one sound some weird transformation happened to our bodies. It’s a little frightening, but we knew that our artistic path was a risky one.